Indiana University

Linguistics Speech Laboratory

Department of Linguistics





Studies in the Phonetic Abilities of Second Language Learners

Several related projects examining the development of phonetic abilities of second language learners.  Below, they are organized by topics: Consonant Identification Patterns, Inter-personal Variation, Accent Perception, Perceptual Modelling, Rate Normalization, Orthography in SLA Research, and Syllabification. Project supported by NSF in Grants BCS-9910701(“Articulatory and Perceptual Correlates of Syllable Structure”) and BCS-04406540 (“Prosody in Cross-Language Production and Perception”) and by the NIH in Grant R03 DC04095.

Consonant Identification Patterns

Projects examining the abilities of Korean- and Mandarin-speaking learners of English to identify the anterior obstruents in various prosodic locations.



Park, H, and K.J. de Jong (in press).  Prosodic Position Effects on Perceptual Category Mapping between English and Korean Obstruents.  Journal of Phonetics.




 Hao, Yen-chen, and K.J. de Jong (2016).  Mimicry of Consonants and Tones by Second Language Learners.  Journal of Phonetics, 54: 151-168. 




de Jong, K.J. & Y.C. Hao (2015).  Comparing L1’s Effects on English Coda Obstruent Perception: Korean and Chinese Identification Performance.  In ICPhS XVIII (Ch. 8.3.4, p. 909).  



Hao, Y.Ch. & K. J. de Jong (2015).  Second Language Acquisition of English Consonants by Speakers with Different Native Languages.  Paper presented at IACL-23/ISSKL-1, June 19 – 21, 2015, Hanyang University, Seoul, ROK.




de Jong, K.J. (2014).  Speech Perception and Speech Production Experiments:  Experimental Systems for Investigating Phonological Systems.  18 April, 2014.  Department of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisc.


Hao, Y.C. & K.J. de Jong (2014).  The Perception of English Coda Obstruents by Mandarin and Korean Second Language Learners.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136: 2106, 1pSCb4




Hao, Y.C, & K.J. deJong (2013).  Does L2 Mimicry Equal L2 Perception Plus L2 Production?  Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum 2013, 2 November, 2013, Provo, Ut.


de Jong, K.J. (2013).  On the Relationship between Cross-language Perception and the Adaptation of Lexical Borrowing: a Comparing Korean-English Perceptual and Adaptation Maps.  31 January, 2013.  Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ill.


de Jong, K.J. (2013).  Speech Perception and Speech Production: Experimental Systems and Phonological Systems.  30 January, 2013.  Beckman Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ill.




de Jong, K.J., and H. Park (2012).  Vowel Epenthesis and Segment Identity in Korean Learners of English.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34: 125 – 155.




de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, and H. Park (2009). Evidence for Featural Units in the Acquisition of Speech Production Skills: Linguistic Structure in Foreign Accent.  Journal of Phonetics, 37: 357 - 373.



de Jong, K.J., N. Silbert & H. Park (2009).  Segmental Generalization in Second Language Segment Identification.  Language Learning, 59: 1 - 31.



Hao, Y.C., and K.J. de Jong (2009).  Confusion Direction Differences in Second Language Production and Perception.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125: 2757, 4pSW35.



Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2009).  Predicting L2 Identification Rates from L1 Mapping Data: Similarity Patterns for English and Korean Obstruents in Pre- and Post-stressed Intervocalic, and Postvocalic Positions.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125: 2774, 6pSWa21.


de Jong, K.J., and Y.C. Hao (2009).  The Correlation between Perceiving and Producing English Obstruents across Korean Learners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126: 5pSC3.




Park, H, and K.J. de Jong (2008).  Perceptual Category Mapping between English and Korean Prevocalic Obstruents: Evidence from Mapping Effects in Second Language Identification Skills.  Journal of Phonetics, 36: 704 - 723.



de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, & H. Park (2008). Patterns of Cross Subject Correlation in Second Language Learning: Skill Structure and Feature-level Grouping in Production and Perception.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124: 2593, 5aSC5.


de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, H. Park, and N.H. Silbert (2008).  Novel-category Biases in Second Language Perception and Production.  IULC Working Papers - Online, 8-09.




Park, H., Hao, Y.-C., & de Jong, K. (2007). Neutralization in the perception and production of English coda obstruents by Korean learners of English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(5), Pt. 2, 3018.



de Jong, K. & Park, H. (2007). Interaction between Koreans’ perception of epenthetic syllables and coda neutralization. Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology, Columbus, Ohio, 26-28 October




Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2006). Native Koreans’ perception of voicing in VC position: Prosodic restructuring effects on consonant identification. IULC Working Papers ÇƒÏ Online, 6-04.




de Jong, K.J. (2005).  Linguistic structure in identifying segments in a second language.  Colloquium given to the Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Oh, 6 May, 2005. 



Park, H.Y., and K.J. de Jong (2005).  Assessing cross-language perception:  Korean neutralization in English obstruents.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America,  6 January, 2005, Oakland, Calif.



Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2005).  Native Koreansǃ٠voicing perception of English obstruents in VC position: Prosodic restructuring effects on consonant identification.ǃ˘  Paper A47 presented at the First ASA Workshop on Second Language Acquisition, 14 May, 2005, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.  (Text version appears as Technical Report above.)





de Jong, K., Silbert, N., and Park, H.(2004). Segments and segmental properties in cross-language perception: Korean perception of English obstruents in various prosodic locations. Poster presented at the 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, New York. Session number is 2pSC8.




Park, H., de Jong, K., and Silbert, N. (2004). Cross-language perceptual category mapping: Korean perception of English obstruents. Poster presented at the 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, New York. Session number is 2pSC9.




Park, H,, and K.J. de Jong (2004).  Effect of L1 phonological patterns in cross-linguistic perception: Korean coda neutralization in English obstruent perception. Paper presented at the 10th Mid-continent Workshop on Phonology, 30 October, 2004, Evanston, Ill.




Nagao, K., & de Jong, K. (2003). Cross-language study of voicing categorization of rate-varied speech. Talk presented at the IU Linguistic Lunch on Nov 18, 2003, Bloomington, IN.




Park, H., K.J. de Jong, and S. Ichiikawa (2003).  Phonological systematicity in cross-language obstruent perception: Korean perception of English obstruents in various prosodic locations.  Paper presented at the 9th Mid-continent Workshop on Phonology, 1 November, 2003, Champaign, Ill.


Lim, B.-j, Nagao, K., & de Jong, K. (2003). Phonology and orthography in lexical access: A case study of Korean perception of syllable affiliations and voicing contrasts of English stops. Paper presented at the Linguistics Society of America, Atlanta, GA.


 Tone Acquisition

Projects examining the abilities of various populations to learn tone contrasts.



Hao, Y.C, and K.J. de Jong (2007).  The Categorical Nature of Tones and Consonants: Evidence from Second Language Perception and Production. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122:3018, 3aSCb5.



Hao, Y.C. (2007). Perception and Production of Mandarin Chinese Tones by English-speaking and Cantonese-speaking L2 Learners.  Paper presented at the 13th Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology, Columbus, Ohio, 26-28 October




Hao, Y.C, and K.J. de Jong (2007).  ǃ˙The Categorical Nature of Tones and Consonants: Evidence from Second Language Perception and Production.ǃ˘ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122:3018, 3aSCb5



  Interpersonal Variation

Projects using differences between individual learners to probe the nature of the acquired phonological system.



de Jong, K.J., and H. Park (2012). Vowel Epenthesis and Segment Identity in Korean Learners of English.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34: 125 -155




de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, and H. Park (2009). Evidence for Featural Units in the Acquisition of Speech Production Skills: Linguistic Structure in Foreign Accent. ˘  Journal of Phonetics, 37: 357 ÇƒÏ 373.



de Jong, K.J., N. Silbert & H. Park (2009).  Segmental Generalization in Second Language Segment Identification.  Language Learning, 59: 1 - 31.



de Jong, K.J., and Y.C. Hao (2009).  The Correlation between Perceiving and Producing English Obstruents across Korean Learners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126: 5pSC3.




de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, & H. Park (2008). Patterns of Cross Subject Correlation in Second Language Learning: Skill Structure and Feature-level Grouping in Production and Perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124: 2593, 5aSC5.




de Jong, K.J., and N. Silbert (2005).  On segmental factorability in second language learning. IULC Working Papers - Online, 6-02.  Also presented as paper B10 at the First ASA Workshop on Second Language Acquisition, 15 May, 2005, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. 





Silbert, N, K.J. de Jong, and H. Park (2005).  Linguistic Generalization in L2 Consonant Identification Accuracy:  a Preliminary Report. IULC Working Papers ÇƒÏ Online, 5-01



Projects examining how listeners use variation between individuals to indexically classify them.



Park, H, K.J. de Jong, and I. Darcy (2008).  The Amount of Information Needed for Listeners to Detect a Foreign Accent. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124: 2593, 5aSC4.


 Perceptual Modelling

Projects examining the overall structure of the perceptual system of listeners identifying consonants.



de Jong, K.J., and H. Park (2012). Vowel Epenthesis and Segment Identity in Korean Learners of English.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34: 125 -155




de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, and H. Park (2009). Evidence for Featural Units in the Acquisition of Speech Production Skills: Linguistic Structure in Foreign Accent.  Journal of Phonetics, 37: 357 ÇƒÏ 373.



de Jong, K.J., N. Silbert & H. Park (2009).  Segmental Generalization in Second Language Segment Identification.  Language Learning, 59: 1 - 31.



de Jong, K.J., and Y.C. Hao (2009).  The Correlation between Perceiving and Producing English Obstruents across Korean Learners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126: 5pSC3.




de Jong, K.J., Y.C. Hao, & H. Park (2008). Patterns of Cross Subject Correlation in Second Language Learning: Skill Structure and Feature-level Grouping in Production and Perception.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124: 2593, 5aSC5.




Silbert, N.H., and K.J. de Jong (2007). Laryngeal feature structure in 1st and 2nd language speech perception.  In J. Trouvain and W.J. Barry (eds.), ICPhS XVI (pp. 1901 - 1905)




de Jong, K.J., and N. Silbert (2005).  On segmental factorability in second language learning. IULC Working Papers Online, 6-02.  Also presented as paper B10 at the First ASA Workshop on Second Language Acquisition, 15 May, 2005, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. 





Silbert, N, K.J. de Jong, and H. Park (2005).  Linguistic Generalization in L2 Consonant Identification Accuracy:  a Preliminary Report.  IULC Working Papers - Online, 5-01.



de Jong, K.J. (2005).  Linguistic structure in identifying segments in a second language.  Colloquium given to the Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Oh, 6 May, 2005. 




de Jong, K., Silbert, N., and Park, H.(2004). Segments and segmental properties in cross-language perception: Korean perception of English obstruents in various prosodic locations. Poster presented at the 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, New York. Session number is 2pSC8.



Duration Normalization

Projects examining how second language learners deal with variation due to quantity and tempo changes.



De Jong, K.J., and K. Nagao (2016).  Production Effects in Light of Perceptual Evaluation: Tempo Effects for Phonologization.  Paper presented at the 15th Conference in Laboratory Phonology, 14 July, 2016, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 




Yoshida, Kenji, K.J. de Jong, J.Kruschke, & P.M. Paivio (2015).  Local and Non-local Contextual Effects on Speech Categorization: a Cross-linguistic Perceptual Study of Finnish and Japanese Quantity Contrasts.  Journal of Phonetics, 50: 81 - 98.




de Jong, K.J., K. Nagao & B.J. Lim (2013).  Dealing with Variation in Second Language Categories: How Japanese and Korean Listeners cope with Extreme Rate Variation in English Stop Categories.  Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum 2013, 1 November, 2013, Provo, Ut.


Silbert, N.H., K.J. de Jong, B.-j. Lim, & K. Nagao (2013).  Effects of Native Language and Speech Rate on Perceptual and Decisional Processing of Voicing and Syllable Affiliation in Stops.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134: 4247, 5pSC20. 




Yoshida, K., K.J. de Jong, P.M. Paivio (2010).  A Cross-linguistic Study of the Perception of the Length Contrast in Finnish and Japanese. Paper presented 8 January, 2010, at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, MD




de Jong, K.J. (2005).  Linguistic structure in identifying segments in a second language.  Colloquium given to the Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Oh, 6 May, 2005. 



Nagao, K., de Jong, K.J. and Lim, B.J. (2005). Learning variation in a second language: A cross-language study of rate normalization. Paper A43 presented at the First ASA Workshop on Second Language Acquisition, 14 May, 2005, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.





Nagao, K., & de Jong, K. (2003). Cross-language study of voicing categorization of rate-varied speech. Talk presented at the IU Linguistics Lunch on Nov 18, 2003, Bloomington, IN.




Lim, B.-j., de Jong, K, & Nagao, K. (2003). The perception of rate-induced resyllabification in English: Native English listeners. In D. Burleson, C. Dillon & R. Port (Eds.), Speech Prosody and Timing, Dynamic Aspects of Speech: IULC Working Papers in Linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 25-32). Bloomington: IULC.


Nagao, K., Lim, B.-j., & de Jong, K. (2003). Perception of rate-induced resyllabification: Cross-language comparison. In D. Burleson, C. Dillon & R. Port (Eds.), Speech Prosody and Timing, Dynamic Aspects of Speech: IULC Working Papers in Linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 33-43). Bloomington: IULC.



Projects examining the role of syllabification in production and perception.



de Jong, K.J., and H. Park (2012). Vowel Epenthesis and Segment Identity in Korean Learners of English.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34: 125 -155




Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2009).  Predicting L2 Identification Rates from L1 Mapping Data: Similarity Patterns for English and Korean Obstruents in Pre- and Post-stressed Intervocalic, and Postvocalic Positions.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125: 2774, 6pSWa21.




Park, H., Hao, Y.-C., & de Jong, K. (2007). Neutralization in the perception and production of English coda obstruents by Korean learners of English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(5), Pt. 2, 3018.



de Jong, K. & Park, H. (2007). Interaction between Koreansǃ٠perception of epenthetic syllables and coda neutralization. Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology, Columbus, Ohio, 26-28 October




Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2006).  Native Koreans’ perception of voicing in VC position: Prosodic restructuring effects on consonant identification. IULC Working Papers - Online, 6-04. Also presented as paper A47 presented at the First ASA Workshop on Second Language Acquisition, 14 May, 2005, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.





Park, H.Y., and K.J. de Jong (2005).  Assessing cross-language perception:  Korean neutralization in English obstruents.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America,  6 January, 2005, Oakland, Calif.



de Jong, K.J. (2005).  Linguistic structure in identifying segments in a second language.  Colloquium given to the Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Oh, 6 May, 2005. 




de Jong, K., Silbert, N., and Park, H.(2004). Segments and segmental properties in cross-language perception: Korean perception of English obstruents in various prosodic locations. Poster presented at the 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, New York. Session number is 2pSC8.




Park, H,Y. and K.J. de Jong (2004).  Effect of L1 phonological patterns in cross-linguistic perception: Korean coda neutralization in English obstruent perception. Paper presented at the 10th Mid-continent Workshop on Phonology, 30 October, 2004, Evanston, Ill.




de Jong, K., Okamura, K., & Lim, B.-j. (2003). The phonetics of resyllabification in English and Arabic speech. In M. J. Sole, D. Recasens & J. Romero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2621-2624.



Nagao, K., Lim, B.-j., & de Jong, K. (2003). Perceptual acquisitions of non-native syllable structures by native listeners of Japanese. In M. J. Sole, D. Recasens & J. Romero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1565-1568.



de Jong, K., Okamura, K., & Lim, B.-j. (2003). The phonetics of resyllabification in English and Arabic speech. Paper presented at the Linguistics Society of America, Atlanta, GA.



Lim, B.-j, Nagao, K., & de Jong, K. (2003). Phonology and orthography in lexical access: A case study of Korean perception of syllable affiliations and voicing contrasts of English stops. Paper presented at the Linguistics Society of America, Atlanta, GA.



Lim, B.-j., de Jong, K, & Nagao, K. (2003). The perception of rate-induced resyllabification in English: Native English listeners. In D. Burleson, C. Dillon & R. Port (Eds.), Speech Prosody and Timing, Dynamic Aspects of Speech: IULC Working Papers in Linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 25-32). Bloomington: IULC.


Nagao, K., Lim, B.-j., & de Jong, K. (2003). Perception of rate-induced resyllabification: Cross-language comparison. In D. Burleson, C. Dillon & R. Port (Eds.), Speech Prosody and Timing, Dynamic Aspects of Speech: IULC Working Papers in Linguistics (Vol. 4, pp. 33-43). Bloomington: IULC.




de Jong, K., Lim, B.-j., & Nagao, K. (2002). Phase transitions in a repetitive speech task as gestural recomposition. IULC Working Papers - Online, 2.


Nagao, K., Lim, B.-j., & de Jong, K. (2002). Perception of English resyllabification by monolingual Japanese listeners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111, 2362.

[abstract] [poster]



Lim, B.-j., de Jong, K., & Nagao, K. (in press). Cross-language perception of syllable affiliation: effects of voicing and language background. Berkeley Linguistics Society, 26.


de Jong, K.J., B.J. Lim, and K. Nagao (2001). Phase Transitions in a Repetitive Speech Task as Gestural Recomposition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110, Vol. 5, p. 2657.

[abstract] [poster]


Nagao, K., Lim, B.-j., & de Jong, K. (2001). Cross-language perception of rate induced resyllabification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109, 2474.

[abstract] [poster]

Orthography in SLA Research

Projects examining (and using) orthographic representations to probe the phonological system in identification tasks.



Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2009).  ǃ˙Predicting L2 Identification Rates from L1 Mapping Data: Similarity Patterns for English and Korean Obstruents in Pre- and Post-stressed Intervocalic, and Postvocalic Positions.ǃ˘  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125: 2774, 6pSWa21.




Park, H, and K.J. de Jong (2008).  ǃ˙Perceptual Category Mapping between English and Korean Prevocalic Obstruents: Evidence from Mapping Effects in Second Language Identification Skills.ǃ˘  Journal of Phonetics, 36: 704 - 723.

[ paper ]



Park, H.Y., and K.J. de Jong (2005).  Assessing cross-language perception:  Korean neutralization in English obstruents.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America,  6 January, 2005, Oakland, Calif.




de Jong, K., Silbert, N., and Park, H.(2004). Segments and segmental properties in cross-language perception: Korean perception of English obstruents in various prosodic locations. Poster presented at the 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, New York. Session number is 2pSC8.




Park, H., de Jong, K., and Silbert, N. (2004). Cross-language perceptual category mapping: Korean perception of English obstruents. Paper presented at the 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, New York. Session number is 2pSC9.





Lim, B.-j, Nagao, K., & de Jong, K. (2003). Phonology and orthography in lexical access: A case study of Korean perception of syllable affiliations and voicing contrasts of English stops. Paper presented at the Linguistics Society of America, Atlanta, GA.




Park, H., and K.J. de Jong (2009).  ǃ˙Predicting L2 Identification Rates from L1 Mapping Data: Similarity Patterns for English and Korean Obstruents in Pre- and Post-stressed Intervocalic, and Postvocalic Positions.ǃ˘  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125: 2774, 6pSWa21.





Park, H, and K.J. de Jong (2008).  ǃ˙Perceptual Category Mapping between English and Korean Prevocalic Obstruents: Evidence from Mapping Effects in Second Language Identification Skills.ǃ˘  Journal of Phonetics, 36: 704 - 723.


Last updated on June 15, 2012

© Indiana University Linguistics Speech Lab

Memorial Hall 406, 1021 E Third Street, Bloomington IN 47405-7005